Saturday, August 27, 2011

Do you remember that TVB announced the decision to film "Triumph In The Skies 2" on the Sky100 event? However, the production faces lots of obstacles. This is because there are various problems on the sponsor work, aviator technical management, etc. This lead to further postponement of the production process. Actually, the production starts on September 2011. But, it was postponed to December 2011. Further postponement was caused by the clashes of the TVB Siu Sang Fa Dans as Ron Ng, Kenneth Ma and Fala Chen will film the 40 episodes grand production series, "Prominent Family" during that time. Therefore, the production will only be started on March or April next year.

Head of Production, Tommy Leung said, "The two series need a lot of casts. And so there is a necessity to have a degree of toleration with one another. In addition, "Triumph in The Skies 2" production faces many technical issues mentioned. Although the series is confirmed to film, but the production day is still unknown."

Translated by jerebtvb

Thoughts: Was hoping to see it filming soon but I guess it can't be push. Looking at the cast list....I am really looking forward to this! It's going to be so cool how they're going to film in Japan, Europe etc Haha going to take quite a bit though..since all the casts have to have time :)

I really do hope Nancy is going to pair up with Ron!! I want to see them together again :)

I will update the info about this series soon :) But here's just the cast list: Michael Miu, Ron Ng, Bosco Wong, Kenneth Ma, Myolie Wu, Fala Chen, Nancy Wu, Kate Tsui


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